Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Brief and Totally Not Awkward Introductions

First of all, I hate introductions. Seriously, I'm the type of person who skips pilot episodes, cringes throughout the first of movie or book series, and absolutely hates the awkward small talk of meeting someone knew. I'm the type of person who would rather jump into the second episode of the season, where the action is beginning to pick up. The same goes with movies and books. I always enjoy the sequel more. Except for the Star Wars prequels, but we don't talk about those. I would rather skip the weird small talk introductions with a person and jump right into the deep conversations. This is how I see 90% of those small talk introductions:

Stranger #1: "Hi, nice to meet you! My name's So-and-So."
Stranger #2: "Nice to meet you too! My name's also So-and-So. Small world, huh?"
Stranger #1: "Yeah, sure is. So let's just talk for a few more minutes, so that we can make sure that we're both normal people!"
Stranger #2: "That sounds spectacularly splendid! Let us do as you say!"

Okay, so maybe it's not exactly like that, but I'm sure you catch my drift. I don't like introductions. But I do get why they're necessary. How could anyone possibly make friends without an introduction? I mean, sure, you could learn everything about a stranger's life before meeting them in person, so that introductions aren't necessary, but that is usually known as "stalking". I hear that it is frowned upon in most communities.

So yeah! Introductions: gooooood! Stalking: baaaaaad!

First thing you should know about me is that my mind tends to wander, just in case you haven't noticed already. I have ADHD, and as far as the "attention deficit" part goes, I have it pretty bad. The hyperactivity part only rears its ugly head every once in a while, so I'm not usually bouncing off the walls. Usually, anyways.

Second thing! I love reading and writing. Seriously, I spend most of my free time doing either of the two. I suppose it goes back to my childhood. (Sighs dramatically). Back when I was a wee little one, I had a lot of boredom and a lot of restlessness. You would think that an ADHD kid would've ended up picking up a high energy hobby, such as sports or maybe chasing cars down the freeway. Surprisingly, I ended up doing neither. Instead of ending up as a football jock or a human pancake on the highway, I settled for two hobbies that require stillness, quiet, and concentration (at least for me, anyways). There are a thousand reasons why I should've ended up hating reading and writing, but I suppose it wasn't enough, because even now, years later, I still love to do both.

Third thing! If I enjoy something, I go full geek about it. I don't know why I have this weird quirk, but whenever I pick up something new that I think is cool, be it a TV show/move, a new video game, some type of music, etc., I learn everything there is to know about it. Some people might call it obsession, but I prefer to say "overly, unhealthily interested".

They're completely different!

When I was in middle school, I went through this weird faze, where I was obsessed with sharks, and so now I have a ridiculous amount of useless shark facts wedged in my brain. This little quirk of mine comes in handy for trivia games, like Trivia Crack. Anyway, this is my extensive way of saying that I'm a huge geek and nerd, but there's a saying about us nerds. It goes: "You say I'm a nerd, but that's okay. I'm gonna be your boss one day."

Although in my case, probably not. I hate telling people what to do. I'd be a pushover of a boss.

I'm gonna level with you: I don't know what else to say. It's not easy summing up your entire existence in a few words. I suppose I'll just have to make this up as I go, because this is pretty new to me. If anything big hits me in the future, I suppose I'll just post it on here with all the rest of the things I'll be putting up.

Peace out for now!


Do people still say that? Is that still cool? I'm so out of the loop.